Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Excursion Culinary Day 6

Arrival in Monaco

We arrived in Monaco before 6 p.m. But due to which technical problem on this planet I was not quite sure or didn’t even recognize any more, our car was in trouble. We were a bit in panic when the smoke came out of the car’s front body along with some weird burning smell. Our friends’home was on high hill...well,to be precise...actually, on moutain scope and the way from the main Domain gate to the house was really steep.The total weight of the car,the break,the radiator or whatever it could be the cause,we had no clue. We had to switch off the engine and parked the car right away. Everyone was running out of the buddy to find a shelter as if the vehicle was about to explode. didn’t, Thanks anyway ! to our lord Buddha!

We were comforting ourselves and one another inside the house before making a phone call to the car rental company.At this point,we wanted to make sure that the car was workable for the transit to the airport tomorrow morning, otherwise we needed a new one instead. The whole story was told and the mechanic was sent to inspect the car short after the story ended. After thoroughly check,it was assured there was nothing wrong with the engine nor with other parts. After the cooling, the car will be at its best again, he explained decisively before he left.

Well,because of this incident,we unfortunately missed the cozy “welcome part” from our hosts. We came in , checked friends’ hands and exchanged just a few greeting words. All attention went to the car’s problem.We didn't even have time to admire the surrounding.That was less fun.

And that was not included in our plan at all...anyway...

But the fact that there was nothing mattered to the car was already a huge releasing from anxiety. We were calming down then,everyone was at ease again and sighed a relief. Whareat we splited to each own room to get ready for dinner.

Darry and her husband,our hosts, invited us for dinner at their restaurant in town that evening.In fact, it was already late for dinner by then and we all were very exhausted from the journey though, we needed food and were looking forwards to those authentic Thai dishes as described previously per email to our chatgroup box.And in the restaurant,like many other guests, we had to wait before the meals served too though priority granted. As I observed I hardly saw smile on our faces on dinner table that night.While waiting,we sometimes looked in one another’s eyes and we smiled gently to encourage each other.And so when the provisions came,in a blink of an eye,like every other meals on the other days, the plates were swept away entirely in a sudden. This was just to confirm that we really loved food. And it was such superb authentic Thai meals as mentioned in email and  as originally cooked as in our homeland.The taste was awesome and absolutely second to none, I must underline and highly recommend.

After food,we went back home right away,it was quite late at that time. I rememebred that we slept just a few hours before we woke up to get ready to leave to Nice airport by 5 a.m. We had an early flight. And it’s true,the car was viable and we were driving very well with it to the airport. Just less than an hour we were there,by following the other taxi van that we ordered in advance for the rest of us,then.

At the airport, we brought the rented car to its provided parking space, droped the car key in the box, moved on to check in,left all those possible difficultes behind and let ourselevs fly smoothly Naples,Italy. 

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Excursion Culinary Day 5

En route to Grasse before overnight in Monaco

I was glad finally we didn’t have to wake up early to run after our sacred itinerary.What a relaxing morning!,frankly speaking.
Whilst I was taking it easy and spending a longer time on breakfast table, most of us left to enjoy taking pictures in the garden, under the trees,with the flowers, at the pool...briefly,everywhere. You gotta believe me, each of us deserves to be honored a pretty tittle “Miss Photogenic”, circumstancially!, I recommend highly.

Anyway...our friends, I mean Pranee,Peter,their daugther--Jasmine and their dog--Theo, have such a beautiful creamy stone house,one of those remains of Roman occupation,like many other beautiful buildings here in this medieval village.Peter told me much about their house during our conversation at dinner table last night which was very intersting and impressive.But all about the detail of the house itself, I would let Peter or Pranee show you themself some other time. This would be continued in the next episode. Keep your eyes and ears open,you’ll be soon updated .Now let’s get back to our current theme.   
The house was gated, and covered the very extensive area. But from where my eyes could reach during my morning meal when I was sitting at the terrace turning my back on the frontdoor of the house...the swimming pool in front of me, behind the rows of the average tall trees.And further next to and around the pool was perennial as well as flower plants.And "must not miss to mention" about was certainly vegetables...espeacially those that we had tasted already since the first evening of our arrival; fresh tomatoes,lettuce and some other tropical herbs picked at peak ripeness from their own vegetable garden.
Uunmm... I was sighing smiling with pleasure ! The soft morning sunlight was shining through the climbered roof and those surrounded arbors. With my eyes chut,I was chewing and enjoying the relish of my repast, in the midst of nature,hearing friends’laughter every now and then from behind the bush nearby. Life’s so far so good ! Let's just forget about all troubles for a while!and enjoy every moments we having together here.
Well, a little tip of what I collected from yesterday morning came into my mind, while helping Pranee in the kitchen preparing some ingredients for later in the evening, I learnt and got to know 4 different kinds of tomatoes she planted herself in her garden,namely
1.Tomato Pineapple 2.Black Tomato 3.Yellow Tomato and last but not least 4.Pumpkin tomato.
Tomatoes salad
Sounds common,but not everyone knows that ! And if you would go deeper in the varieties of tomatoes, you would be astonished to find out a long-tailed sorts of it. But for today,let me summerize just 4 of these amazing.
Sure enough,all of these were ultimate fresh and juicy salad appetizers of our yesterday dinner.You gotta see this !

varieties of tomatoes
Time to move on....
After breakfast and joviality of photographing,we left the house. Pranee was leaving her family and joined us the trip too.Again with excitement,we were looking forward to our next destination.
we made 8 today
Before making our way to overnight in Monaco that evening,we were planning to stop by at Mary’s home in Grasse,to greet her husband and to get to know where she lives too. Of course,some of us had been at Marry’s before but many just came here with this trip for the first time. So at least, these two points were the main idea of that afternoon, and what followed was,more or less, the outgrowth, which was...what Mary proposed...afternoon salad.. “Salad Niçoise”, a French origin and composed salad made with raw vegetables topping with some canned tuna and anchovies.Though what Marry made was a bit changed and dapted from the origin one, by adding some schrimps ,for example,was not bad at all. We all loved seafood, so shrimps added was absolutely only avail. 
(Ps.recipe of salad Niçoise will be soon available-- please be back here again :-)

So ,to let Mary show off her cooking skill,we assisted her a bit in the kitchen, by collecting some fresh vegetables from her home ground, standing by at hand for her convenience to pick and to hand in whatever she needed,for instance. Not long after the cooking started, we were clearing the table for the big bowl of ready-to-eat-salad. Then spoons and forks were handed out to everyone...time to attack Niçoise salad in one big bowl. Yeah... we ate together in one same bowl ! That was the simpliest way for quick healthy snack when we didn't have much time and so after that we didn’t have to wash many dishes before we left again ;-)

After having read our story, you probably got mouth-watering.That’s okay,but why not make and enjoy this mediterenean green mix at your own home too or wherever you are. You may try Mary’s recipe,no right reserved !
After Niçoise, we picked some fresh abricos from the trees along the side path entrance of her house to bring with us en route heading Nice. And at last we were driving over the border to Monaco. We were today altogether 8.
To spring or not ot spring was just a question
To be continued !
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The following pictures are taken from Mary's home.

sky unlimited from the pool at Marry's

Home Apricots
the kissing bee

Lemon tree at Mary's sideyard,you'll see more of this in Sorrento

enjoying mountainous afternoon wind

Friday, August 8, 2014

Excursion Culinary Day 4 (2/2)

Day Tour: Strolling in Sault and Avignon
So we were fairly satisfied with our afternoon meals.Then it was time to let food digested and to go stretching our legs before we left again to the next program of the day, Day Tour in L’Avingon.

We spent some time strolling in the village after left “quartier de la promenade”,where we just had food.

Sault is just a teeny weeny and quiet village,where there’s not much going on and with only small number of inhabitants.But the folks sitting,walking,cycling or driving in town we saw, who were merely visitors, tourists or passers-by, I guessed (including us actually) and also whom were just attracted by the charm of its natural resources: whether it was lavender fields, traquility,simplicity or picturesques landcapes around, or the interweaving of everything, for this reason,were undoubtedly assummed to animate the village then.
 Scented Dried Lavenders

The hidden square

There were some simple,cute little shops selling some local products ; some small souvenirs as well as some large, thick and heavy hand-made items like tablecloths, bottles of lavender oils and home decoration articles, for instance, that tempted us moderately to take a close look,to touch and even to purchase.But after an hour walk in and out those stores,it was time to leave again and we were driving away, making our track next... to Avignon.

On the way to Avignon
Worn-out doors !
Sky unlimited
It took us approximately an hour along 65 km from Sault to Avignon. Our following sightseeing to visit was “Palais des Papes” (Pope’s Palace). By the time we were arriving, some parts at the Palace were closed,whereas many others were about to shut the doors. However,we did not plan to spend the whole afternoon inside those great buildings although we would indeed love to. I am not lying! Really! In fact, we had too little time to explore every details of the site. Having looked at the floor ground map of the whole, we wouldn’t make it this time.Absolutely not !

This didn’t mean that we were lack of interest in history nor in this historical monument with such remarkable legend at all.
Palais des Papes in Avignon
I quarantee...we all love to learn both in and outside school,formal or informal.We would love to explore the world in every aspect if we can.We probably are not so good in Archeology or Mathematics. And we’re perhaps excel in Phylosophy or Literature rather than in Physics or Chemistry. I’m not sure whether this has to do with what I’m telling you. But the fact that we didn’t have much time left for our tour that late afternoon so we had to devide time into very good proportions so that we could see everything we wished to at the same time.We had to menage time wisely thus.

And so we decided to just walk around outside the premises,to the “Jardin du Rocher des Doms” for example, to promenade along the yard where we could overlook the city, the river of Rhône and the great architecture which ranked one of exceptional UNESCO world heritage site, Pont d’Avignon.

famous medieval bridge Pont D’Avignon or Pont Saint-Bćnćzet
Once again, I must insist, what a pity that we didn’t have chance to visit all both in- and exterior monuments this time.We could have planned a better trip to spend more time there.Anyway,this presence could be counted a fabulous introduction which would lead us to a greater discovery hereafter.

If you would love to know more about the Pope’s Palace and/or to plan your trip one day there.There are quite some websites that can provide excellent information such as the following ones :

After the considerable time over there, we went down to the shopping center on ground the bottom side of it. It was more lively,merrily and crowded in city center,to tell you the truth. Some people were enjoying sitting relaxing at the terrace of Cafćs and restaurants.Some were walking shops in shops out.Others were standing watching the music group rehearsal or just walking passing by.We were merging into the crowd and spending another hour there before driving back to Pranee’s house in Venasque.

Our dinner that evening was served late,but I assured it was the best and coziest ever !
Till next time,
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Houses and stores with green windows
Colorful windows in Sault

View overlooks Pont d"Avignon

                           Rhône River

 From le Jardin du Rocher des Doms overlooks the city
Theatre in city center
Music rehearsal behind
Take the afternoon very easy at Palais des Papes

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Excursion Culinary Day 4 (1/2)

Day Tour: Admiring Lavender fields in Sault  

We woke up early again today though we were very late to bed last night. This was the fourth day of the trip,and I had to admit I was exhausted.I didn’t know how others felt,I didn’t ask. But I sometimes thought to myself, like a naughty girl, I should have stayed home and taken some better rest,so that I would be recharged and refreshed when I would restart my work in the next few weeks after this vacation period.I was kind of languid,drowsy and had to force myself to get out of bed reluctantly.

I shouted to myself then...“come on ! Be strong ! Get up !” and so I made a better move.It worked !

After a refreshing shower,however, I went downstairs to join friends at breakfast terrace.The jolly greet of our friends, the merry hugs and morning kisses of one another had really brought me again back to life.This was the best remedy.And probably, coffee and our freestyle Thai “petit dćjeuner” had also played some role.I was awake, frisky and delighted. I was ready to march boldy on any track we would make that day.

As we had quite some plans today,we left home right after meal.Our first program of the day was to go admiring Provence lavender fields around the lovely villages in Sault. It took us quite a while on road from Pranee’s house to be at the farms.Pranee had surveyed the route beforehand some weeks prior to our jaunt.Therefore she made herself such a professional guide that day,leading us from one place to another fairly swiftly.We made panorama stop along the way and visited some lavender fileds, one of Provence popular tourist’s attractions,that we pormised not to miss on this trip.

The best season for lavenders in Provence said to be late June through July. But this depends on the seasonal weather too.Begin of August will be harvest time.

By the time we were there,I think, Lavenders were just about blooming.There should be more blossem thereafter.The color would be more intense as well as their fragrance. Although I were there for the first time, I was inspired enormously already.Life was colored violet and impressed with lavender scenery a little while at each pause. We made pictures,we smelled very pleasant natural scent. Soon, this would be more full of charm when they reached their ripe peak.Another extraordinary thing beyond this -- the bees’s buzzing—the bees were making natural music harmonously in their own tone.How marvelous ! At that point,it was a good moment to  shout out “I love life and I’m sure all of us do!” It was incredible, megical and wonderful !

Back to little town in Sault, we found a very lovely small restaurant for lunch.Well,small—that’s what I said. It was however 3-storey building that looked a bit narrow inside.But fortunately,there were tables outdoor with great view,where we prefered to sit.We were in at about a quarter to one.But believe me,before we could make orders and next...far later came our victuals...finally... it was quite late.I meant it was not lunch time any more. And we were almost died of hunger ! Anyhow,thanks to that panorama outlook from our tables, the exotic air that diverted our attention and the wind that blew. However, when the food came, it was so good and tasty that we were nearly close to a Russian proverb which said “when I’m eating,I’m deaf and dump”. That sounded awful I know.But trust me,that was just a joke.We were not like that at all. We kept talking and enjoying every bite of our meal as we always do.If you had been there with us, you would have noticed how much we appreciated food, friends, atmosphere and etc. Moreover, we always remembered “at the table with good friends and family, you don’t become old”

Finally,food came !
Fish Menu

Duck Menu
Chicken Menu
Burger Menu

Steak Menu

To be continued !
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